SAP Analytics Cloud – Analytics Designer. Part 1 Planning interface

Część 1. Formatka planistyczna z możliwością obsługi czynności na danych. SAP Analytics Cloud z każdą aktualizacją dostarcza bardzo wiele ciekawych funkcjonalności, które łączą ze sobą świat Business Intelligence, planowania i predykcji w jednym środowisku. Jednym z ciekawszych tematów jest wykorzystanie modułu SAP Analytics Designer, który w znacznym stopniu rozszerza możliwości …

Data Warehouse Cloud - Time Dimension

As an addition to the previous articles on Business Layer in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud, we will also present how to quickly and easily add a time dimension to this layer using functionalities built in DWC. We will rely on data and objects created in previous publications (link to part one ...

SAP Analytics Cloud - automatic page changing/slideshow

SAP Analytics Cloud Designer, which is part of SAP Analytics Cloud, allows you to expand standard reporting. Implementation of scripting (simplified javascript) and ready-made components such as button, timer, pagebook, tabstrip etc. and components related directly to the planning module, e.g. Data Action Trigger, allows you to automate specific tasks and build advanced analytical applications...

SAP Analytics Cloud new features

Here are some of the most interesting new features from latest updates for SAP Analytics Cloud. Replace Model behind Story SAC now allows users to replace the model while retaining the configuration of all items in the story (e.g. visual settings and data layout for charts). You can replace the model with an object with the same structure or with one that contains ...

Business Layer and Data Warehouse Cloud - part 3

The previous articles can be found HERE and HERE. We have created the following Business Entitiy structure in them. In this article, we will focus on two topics: Creating a Consumption Model Creating and deploying a Perspective Part 1 We will start by creating a model based on an already created Entity structure. To do this, go to Business Builder and...

Business Layer and Data Warehouse Cloud – part 2

Część 1 Część 3 W poprzednim artykule utworzyliśmy jednostki biznesowe na podstawie tabel z opisami dla wymiarów. W tym artykule skupimy się na dwóch zagadnieniach : Tworzenie jednostek biznesowych dla danych podstawowych dla Dealera Tworzenie jednostek biznesowych dla danych transakcyjnych (Analytical Dataset) Część 1 Zaczniemy od utworzenia jednostki biznesowej na …

Business Layer and Data Warehouse Cloud - part 1

Część 2 Część 3 Jedna z ostatnich aktualizacji dla hurtownii danych w chmurze SAP Data Warehouse Cloud przyniosła nową, ciekawą funkcjonalność – możliwość definiowania warstwy biznesowej na już istniejących obiektach i tabelach w bazie. Teraz DWC posiada dwie warstwy modelowania danych, zaprojektowane dla różnych grup użytkowników – Data Layer (który …

Data actions in SAP Analytics Cloud

SAP Analytics Cloud is a comprehensive tool that, apart from the basic functions of data analysis and visualization, also has built-in predictive and planning mechanisms. SAC allows you to create planning models, on the basis of which reports can be created, e.g. financial statements. The planning process involves making structured changes to the model data. ...

Indirect costs allocation

The allocation process splits the values from the source data into multiple values and stores them in the target data. Allocations can be used, among others to simulate costs and revenues, make purchasing decisions or set product prices. The topic of indirect cost allocation is often mentioned in financial statements. This type of allocation is characterized by assigning these ...

SAP Analytics Cloud – the art of IBCS reporting (table)

SUCCES is a set of rules developed over the last few years by the IBCS (International Business Communication Standard). This kind of standardization in business finds an increasing number of supporters who use it in their daily work when creating reports and dashboards. The SUCCESS acronym is formed by the principles of the IBCS standard, which are part of three pillars i.e. conceptual, structural and ....